domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Callejon de Conchucos

The "Callejon de Conchucos"-
It is located at the east of the "Cordillera Blanca" mountain range in Ancash. It is composed by the following provinces:
1. Antonio Ramondi
2. Asuncion
3. Carlos Fermin Fitzcarrald
4. Corongo
5. Huari
6. Mariscal Luzuriaga
7. Pomabamba
8. Pallasca
9. Sihuas
10. Yungay
The Callejon de Conchucos can be called a "remote corner" of Ancash, because of its long distance from the capital Huaraz. This is a region where its provinces still have their traditional roots and practices.
It has high peaks, deep valleys, and plateaus. This hilly area is very similar with the ones in the Peruvian Highlands (Sierra).

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