domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Chavin de Huantar

The Chavin culture was a civilization that developed in the Andes of northern Peru. The discoverer of the Chavin culture is Julio Tello
~ Temple of Chavin ~
Chavin people always pray in this place precisely in the Circular Plaza. This plaza was found decorated with a group of anthraopomorphic personages arranged in a procession towards the staircase that leads to the Lanzon Gallery. in the lower part, a line of felines also directed toward the staircase. The Circular Plaza served as a private and selected ritual space, where the ceremonies of the priests include the consumption of hallucinogenic substances and the sound of shell trumpets.

Callejon de Huaylas

The "Callejon de Huaylas" is a long and narrow valley in the "Codrdillera de los Andes", it is formed by the route of the Santa River from its origin in the  lake "Conococha" and el Cañon del Pato".
There we can find the "Guitarrero cave" were the arqueologist have found some of the earliest evidence of agriculture in America, also we can find well preserved Inca trails and many other cultural monuments

Wather is temper and semitropical. Days are hot and nights are very cold. The Rain Epoch or Season starts in December and ends in April. Between May and November a very pleasant climate is enjoyed, named "Andean Summer"(Verano Andino).

The mountains and lakes in the Cordillera Blanca and other towns and landscapes of  "Callejon de Huaylas", are one of the major attractions for tourists that go to Perú.

Callejon de Conchucos

The "Callejon de Conchucos"-
It is located at the east of the "Cordillera Blanca" mountain range in Ancash. It is composed by the following provinces:
1. Antonio Ramondi
2. Asuncion
3. Carlos Fermin Fitzcarrald
4. Corongo
5. Huari
6. Mariscal Luzuriaga
7. Pomabamba
8. Pallasca
9. Sihuas
10. Yungay
The Callejon de Conchucos can be called a "remote corner" of Ancash, because of its long distance from the capital Huaraz. This is a region where its provinces still have their traditional roots and practices.
It has high peaks, deep valleys, and plateaus. This hilly area is very similar with the ones in the Peruvian Highlands (Sierra).


The sector of Llanganuco contains two main lagoons: Chinancocha (female lagoon) and Orconcocha (male lagoon). Llanganuco is located in the Huascaran National Park, and at 25km from the city of Yungay. At the feet of Huascaran and Huandoy, this zone is very impressive. The usual temperature in this place is of 10 degrees.
"The female lagoon". Its light blue color is caused by ice micro-particles, giving thee female lagoon a turquoise color. There is a forest at the coast of the lagoon. Chinancocha has a deepness of 28m and the lagoon's altitude is 3850 meters on sea level.
The Chinancocha Lagoon can be visited and enjoyed in a boat ride through its light blue and cold waters.
The"male lagoon" has darker waters. The zone is habited by farm animals such as cows and horses.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011


Yungay is less than a hour of the city of Huaraz. This little town was covered by tons of ice and mud, both mixed together, due to the earthquake of 1970. A block of ice of the mountain range "Huascaran" separeted from the mountain falling to the town of Yungay covering this town.

Yungay now is known has "Campo Santo de Yungay" due to that many people died in 1970 due to the earquake. The ice block that broke off the "Huascaran", that was at 6663 meters from sea level, arrived to Yungay 3000, to in four meters with a speed of 220 kilometers per hour. This ice block mixed with mud in his way down and covered all Yungay except the cemetery.
Only the people at the cemetery and the kids who went to the circus that day were saved. This catastrophe lefft more than 68.000 children orphans.